the history of the Communist Left
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February 2023 and following
January 2023
External links to interesting historical/theoretical articles
- Aníbal, Capitalismo,
imperialismo, militarismo, guerra. Tendencias determinantes,
contratendencias, condiciones.
Table of contents of this pamphlet (English translation)
1) Imperialist war, nuclear deterrence and capitalist
internationalisation. Contradictions in the past and present,
tendencies towards the future.
2) Conditions for a third world war. Origins of many confusions.
3) Decadentists and imperialist war. Deployment of
mystifications that distort the critical understanding of
capitalism and its real tendencies. Practical effects.
4) "War is the death of civilisation"... Bullshit!!!!
5) Failed premonitions. World war and alleged decadence of
6) Capitalist leaders talk about the imperialist war.
7) What revolutionary internationalist defeatism in the
'Ukrainian' war really means. By Fredo Corvo and Anibal.
- Aníbal,
Periodo de transición del capitalismo al comunismo.Crítica al
leninismo y el bordiguismo. English translation: The
period of transition from capitalism to communism, a critique of
Leninism and Bordigism.
- The
Classless Society in Motion. A New Theory of Communist Economy
In 1930 the Group of International Communists laid out their
vision for a self-directed society of free and equal producers,
echoing and elaborating upon the scattered writings of Marx and
Engels on the topic.
Building on the GIC’s outstanding and long overlooked work –
‘The Fundamental Principles of Communist Production and
Distribution’ – we further develop their core ideas, introducing
a number of new and related principles. With these, we show how
a society of free and equal producers is a concrete possibility.
What has long been dismissed as an impossible dream, we reveal
to be both simple and elegant.
Using the lens of Marx’s value theory, we analyse and critique
the most prominent existing attempts at describing a socialist
economy. It will be shown how a lack of understanding of Marx’s
analysis of the value form, coupled with a flawed idea of the
nature of socialism/communism, fundamentally undermines these
The material basis of the egalitarian society we describe,
emerges organically from and in opposition to the existing
capitalist relations of production, abolishing private property,
classes, money, markets, exploitation, and the value-form in its
wake. Established within an open and transparent general system
of accounting, it has no need for a caste of bureaucratic
planners or a party dictatorship.
Planning is a continuous and distributed process. Socialist
theory must come to terms with this reality. Planning is not
reducible to arbitrary time epochs, decided by administrative
convenience. It must be a living, organic, democratic and
continuous process, answering only to its own internal rhythms
and the rational control of its participants.
We offer a return to a vision of a society based upon the
abolition of wage labour, a position fundamental to the Marxists
and Anarchists of the First International.
It is a socialism we can build today.
It is a socialism for a political project that does not yet
- Aníbal, Socialismo,comunismo,
sociedad sin clases. Materialismo histórico - crítico frente a
teoría y práctica del bolchevismo La URSS : de las
limitaciones y el fracaso revolucionario, a la explotación ,
dominio y mistificación bolchevique sobre la clase obrera.
English translation: Socialism, communism, classless society.
Historical-critical materialism vs. theory and practice of
Bolshevism. The USSR : from limitations and revolutionary
failure, to Bolshevik exploitation, domination and mystification
of the working class.
The enormous confusion about socialism and communism has various
social and historical roots. This article highlights the
differences between the conceptions of critical historical
materialism developed notably by Marx and Engels and those of
later Bolshevism, which presented itself as a faithful
continuation of the original Marxism, but which on the contrary
introduced different and contrary theoretical conceptions, as
well as a praxis which from a certain moment, shortly after
October 1917, in the following year, in very difficult
conditions and international isolation, led it to be a vector of
capitalist development, after having managed to lead the
proletarian revolution in Russia. Explanations of the
weaknesses, errors and inadequacies of such pristine Marxism and
its left-wing continuators can be found in other texts.(1)
Compiled by Aníbal (December 2022)
Table of contents.
1. Socialism and communism in the historical materialist
conception of Marx and Engels.
2. Production and distribution, money, planning, communism, what
happened after october 1917?
3. Socialism and communism in bolshevism. The theory of its
leaders (Lenin, Trotsky, Bukharin, Preobrajensky, Stalin) as
mystification and alibi of capitalist practices. Antecedents in
social democracy. Contradictions and oscillations.
4. USSR. What was actually happening in workers' existence:
dominant capitalist relations.
5. Fragments of the fundamental principles of communist
production and distribution, by the GIC (Group of
Internationalist Communists).
- From Money to the Calculation of Labour Time
- The economic power of the proletariat and the control system
of general accountancy
- The essence of communist production
6. Period of transition from capitalism to communism.
- Balance points and explanations.
- Notes on the balance points
7. Historical texts
- Aníbal, Unos
fragmentos muy significativos del anarquista Rudolf Rocker /
Some very significant excerpts from the anarchist Rudolf
- Philippe Bourrinet, Recension
d’Axel Weipert, Die Zweite Revolution. Rätebewegung in Berlin
1919/1920 [La Deuxième Révolution. Le mouvement des
conseils à Berlin, 1919-1920. Idem, English
translation. Idem, German
- Philippe Bourrinet, Les
Carnets de la Révolution russe de Nikolaï Soukhanov.
November/December 2022
External links to interesting historical/theoretical articles
October 2022
External links to interesting historical/theoretical articles
- Buchausgabe Anton Pannekoek, Klassenkampf
und Nation (1912).
Ein Klassiker des Rätekommunismus der vor kurzem nur in
Frakturschrift zu lesen war. Sehr aktuell wegen der Rolle des
ukrainischen und russischen Nationalismus im heutigen Krieg in
der Ukraine. Beide Nationalismen werden von manche
leninistischen Linken gebraucht um sich an der einen oder der
anderen Seite der Frontlinie zu beteiligen.
- Anton Pannekoek, Klassenkampf und Nation (1912), a
classic of council communism. Very topical because of the role
of Ukrainian and Russian nationalism in today's war in Ukraine.
Both nationalisms are used by some Leninist leftists to
participate on one or the other side of the front line. Also
availlable in French
translation, in English
translation, in Spanish
- Herunterladen / Download version Grundprinzipien
kommunistischer Produktion und Verteilung (1935).
August-September 2022
- Mac A.Roni, Council Communism Study Circle, Introducing:
The Dutch/Germans Communist Left. A project of the
Baltimore Libertarian Socialist Caucus, 2020-2021.
- Grupo de Comunistas Internacionalistas (GIC), O
Marxismo e o Comunismo Estatal. (1932).
- Grupo de Comunistas Internacionalistas (GIC), Os
Princípios Fundamentais da Produção e Distribuição Comunista –
Parte 4.
- GIC Los
Principios fundamentales de la producción y distribución
comunista. Capítulo 11/16. (Edición de 1935)
- El GIC y otros grupos internacionalistas sobra
la luche di clases y la guerra en España.
- Otro texto del GIC. Traducción
parcial a español de "Het einde van de burgeroorlog in
Spanje", Radencommunisme, eerste jaargang, nr. 9, Mei 1939.
- Barbara Allen, Alexandre
Chliapikov, chef ouvrier bolchevik, victime des crimes
staliniens. French translation by Jean-Pierre Laffitte of
the 2015 English original.
External links to interesting historical/theoretical articles
July 2022
External links to interesting historical/theoretical articles
June 2022
External links to interesting historical/theoretical articles
- Internationalist Voice, Worker-communism
Radical Conscience of the Left of Capital , PDF-Book
- Granamir, A
maior onda de revoltas populares da história da humanidade (1).
Em termos de participação direta e protagonismo das massas, as
revoltas deste século são mais massivas do que muitas das
revoluções do século XX. 4-5-2022.
- Anibal, Critique
of above article in Spanish, Portuguese and English.
- Lucas Maia, Reflexões
sobre a Organização Revolucionária , 25-5-2022.
- Lucas Maia. Reflexiones
sobre la organización revolucionaria, followed by a
critique by Anibal in Spanish, Portuguese and English,
May 2022
External links to interesting historical/theoretical articles
April 2022
- Entrevista
com Jan Appel (1982), Jan Halkes.
- A
Ideologia do Nacionalismo, Grupo de Comunistas
Internacionalistas (GIC).
- Barcelona,
el principio del fin, GIC, Radencommunisme, febrero de
- Das
Wilsonsche Programm, Anton Pannekoek. – Moskau : [s.n.],
1919. – 6 S.
- El
programa wilsoniano, Anton Pannekoek, 1919.
- Een
langere Nederlandse tekst met deze titel uit De Nieuwe
Tijd, 1918.
External links to interesting historical/theoretical articles
- Anibal, Valoración
crítica del texto del Circolo internazionalista “coalizione
operaia": La guerra en Ucrania y la cuestión nacional en la
era de la madurez imperialista. (En español, inglés, e
- Philippe Bourrinet, O
Grupo de Comunistas Internacionalistas na Holanda, O
Nascimento do GIC 1927-1933 (Parte II).
- Revolución,nº
1, Proletarios internacionalistas.
- Anibal, Crítica.
- MM,
Nations et nationalisme contre le prolétariat.
- Communaut, Organisationsdebatte.
March 2022
- KAPD, Theses
on the role of the party (1921).
- A. Ciliga, fragment The
masters of the country, from Siberia, Land of exile and of
industrialization (1950).
- A. Ciliga, fragment "ellos"
y "nosotros" en la URSS. Fragmento de: "Diez años tras el
telón de acero. Siberia. Tierra de exilio e industrialización"
- KAPD, Leitsaetze
ueber die Rolle der Partei (1921).
- A.
Ciliga, Fragment Die
Herren des Landes, aus "Sibirien, Land des Exils und
der Industrialisierung" (1950)
- Boekuitgave
van Radencommunisme 1938-1940, uitgegeven door
Association Archives Antonie Pannekoek (A.A.A.P.) en
412 pagina’s, verkrijgbaar via Amazon.de
voor €13,39 incl. BTW en verzendkosten naar Nederland. De
inhoudsopgave en alle teksten zijn ook online in te zien
bij beide uitgevers. Zie verder de presentatie
van het boek (external link to Arbeidersstemmen)
External links to interesting historical/theoretical articles
February 2022
External links to interesting
historical/theoretical articles
- C.Mcl, 30-01-2022, En
défense du matérialisme historique. Débat avec Link et
- Idem, english
translation, part 1.
- Anibal, Discusiones
sobre la decadencia histórica del capitalismo. En torno a
un texto reciente de Link. En español, inglés y francés.
- Volker Arnold, Les
théories relatives aux conseils dans la Révolution de
Novembre. Une présentation et une analyse systématiques,
du point de vue de l’histoire des idées, des différentes
conceptions des conseils (1977). Traduction en français pour la
première fois d'un livre allemand détaillé, plein de références,
sur les conseils ouvriers en Allemagne de 1918 à 1920. Traduit
en français par J.P. Laffitte (janvier 2022).
Titre original: Volker Arnold. Rätebewegung und Rätetheorien in
der Novemberrevolution: Räte als Organisationsformen des Kampfes
und der Selbstbestimmung (1977).
- Grupo de Comunistas Internacionalistas (GIC), Os
Princípios Fundamentais da Produção e Distribuição Comunista –
Parte 2.
- GIC, Principios fundamentales de la producción y distribución
comunista, Capitules
2, 3, 4 , 5 in spanish.
January 2022
External links to interesting
historical/theoretical articles
December 2021
External links to interesting
historical/theoretical articles
- Mateus Alves, A
Concepção de Partido Político em Otto Rühle in Marxismo e
Autogestão Ano 08, num. 11, 2021.1.
- Grupo de Comunistas Internacionales de Holanda (GIKH) - Principios
fundamentales de una producción y distribución comunista
- Milovan
Djilas e A Nova Classe – Cajo Brendel (Spartacus, 1957).
- Milovan
Djilas y la nueva clase - Cajo Brendel (Spartacus, 1957).
- Anton Pannekoek, Karl Korsch, Paul Mattick Crítica
del bolchevismo.
- Wagner, Egger, Hamann, Was
tun in Zeiten der Schwäche? in Cosmonaut, 16-10-2021
- Corvo, Bolschewismus
als Alternative zu selbstgewählte Ohnmacht? - Ein paar
Gedanken zu „Was tun in Zeiten der Schwäche?“ - in
Arbeiterstimmen, 2-11-2021. Nederlands,
- Klopotek, Ungenau
und Dogmatisch in Cosmonaut, 20-11-2021
November 2021
- GIC, Trotsky
and the Council Communism (1938).
Warning: this version contains some flaws of translation, and
misses a fragment. A new version is in the making (1-11-2021).
External links to interesting
historical/theoretical articles
October 2021
External links to
interesting historical/theoretical articles
- Tommy Lawson,
The Most Intransigent of Bolsheviks: Gavril Miasnikov, the
Workers Group and the Degeneration of the Russian Revolution.
A new biography of Left-Communist Gavril Miasnikov and the
Workers Group of the Russian Communist Party.
- GIC, Estamos
construyendo la estructura de la nueva sociedad en la cáscara
de la antigua. Artículo final de la serie "La diferencia
de puntos de vista de la IWW y el Movimiento de los Consejos en
- Nelke, 1921-2021:
100 Jahre parteifeindlicher Kommunismus. Neue Broschüre
von Soziale Befreiung.
- Hermann Lueer (Hrsg.),
GIK, Versetzt die ganze Staatsmaschinerie ins Museum der
Altertümer, neben das Spinnrad und die bronzene Axt!
- GIK, Trotzki und der Rätekommunismus (1938)
- GIK, Im Land der großen Lüge (1940, Auszüge aus der
Rezension des Buches von Anton Ciliga)
- Ciliga, Sowjetische Bourgeoisie (1938, Auszug aus dem Buch
von Anton Ciliga)
- GIK, Staatskapitalismus und Kommunismus (1936, Auszüge)
- GIK [Anton Pannekoek], Partei und Arbeiterklasse (1936)
- GIK, Die kommunistische Gesellschaft (1938, Auszüge)
- GIK, Anarcho-Syndikalismus und der Rätekommunismus (1937,
- GIK, Abschaffung der Lohnarbeit! (1935, Auszüge aus
Grundprinzipien ...)
- GIK, Kommunismus und geistige Freiheit (1939)
- Hermann Lueer (Ed.), GIC,
Put the whole state machinery into the museum of antiquities,
next to the spinning wheel and the bronze ax!
- GIC, Trotsky and the Council Communism (1938)
- GIC, In the Land of the great Lie (1940, abstracts from
its review of the book by Anton Ciliga)
- Ciliga, Soviet Bourgeoisie (1938, abstract of the book by
Anton Ciliga)
- GIC, State Capitalism and Communism (1936, abstracts)
- GIC [Anton Pannekoek], Party and Working-Class (1936)
- GIC, The Communist Society (1938, abstracts)
- GIC, Anarcho-Syndicalism and the Council Communism (1937,
- GIC, Abolition of Wage Labor! (1935, abstracts from
Fundamental Principles ...)
- GIC, Communism and Intellectual Freedom (1939)
September 2021
External links to
interesting historical/theoretical articles
August 2021
External links to interesting
historical/theoretical articles
- New book, Movimiento
del capital
- João Aguiar, Uma
ou duas classes dos gestores? (in 4 parts)
- F.D., Hors
jeu. "Pourquoi les groupes politiques surgis de mai 68, et
qui ont constitué la Gauche Internationaliste, en ont-ils été
réduits au sectarisme de chapelle, sans exercer une quelconque
influence sur le questionnement provoqué par la postmodernité".
July 2021
Historical documents
Presentation of four new books
External links to interesting historical/theoretical
Fringe Left
Posted on 2021/06/18 by majdoorsamachar
German-Dutch Left and Italian Left did not break from the
social-democratic framework
[A bold thesis put forward by Trotskyists, communizers, and
their followers (including Internationalist Perspective).
Curious to see the argument.]
and its underlying social strata
[Probably referring to the theory of workers'
aristocracy, remade by Stalin into workerism, framed by
Autonomists to glorify the unlearned mass worker, condemning
educated workers]
despite their critiques of many facets of
social-democratic theory and practice in Germany and especially
of the Bolshevik Party in Russia after October 1917.
Their remnants in the fringe left, even during these thirty-five
years that we have had some interactions with a few of them,
[as far as I had the pleasure to correspond with
Majdoorsamachar, it showed insensitive for any critique.
Instead, it limited itself to personal attacks and scorn, an old
left-bourgeois tradition]
are stuck in the 1920s. Whereas, with incomparable leaps
in productive forces since early-1970s,
[Here we find Stalin's deformation of historic materialist
from history man-made by class struggle in favor of history
determined by the evolution of productive forces, understood in
a technical sense only]
“revolutionary intellectuals” have increasingly become
irrelevant throughout the world.
[It have been 'Leninism' in all its forms and the deformations
of the tendency Kautsky/Rühle/Brendel/Simon that believed that
historical materialism was the product of 'intellectuals.'
Majdoorsamachar may share that false thesis in a positive
or negative way, it does not apply to the KAPD/GIC current]
Despite our above mentioned reading, on the basis of
interactions with most of the strands of the left in India over
these forty-five years, it seems that an acquaintance with the
German-Dutch Left + Italian Left and their inheritors could be
of help in questioning the leninist- stalinist-trotskyist-maoist
framings that still have some influence.
[You are most welcome!]
So, this link to the current issue of “A Free Retriever’s
Digest” (April-June 2021). Incidentally, this issue also has, “A
Note on Peasants in the Indian Subcontinent” which we sent as a
response to a write-up in the earlier issue of the magazine.
June 2021
May 2021
External links to interesting historical/theoretical articles:
April 2021
External links to interesting historical/theoretical articles:
March 2021
External links to interesting
historical/theoretical articles:
February 2021
External links to interesting
historical/theoretical articles:
Turn of the year 2020/2021
External links to interesting
historical/theoretical articles:
- Free download (PDF) of Lo
spillover del profitto. Capitalismo, guerre ed epidemie.
A.o. Philippe Bourrinet, "11 Capitalismo, guerre ed epidemie".
- C.Mcl., Has
Capitalism entered its Decadence since 1914? The
Falsehoods of the International Communist Current (ICC) — A
Critique. Followed by a discussion.
- Elaborado por Anibal, Tres
textos sobre la cuestión de la decadencia del capitalismo.
- Libro Ediciones inter-rev. La
ideología de la comunización como tergiversación del comunismo
e inadecuada respuesta a las dificultades.
- Anibal and Materia,
Period of transition, socialism, communism. Based on a
recent book published in Spanish language, as a second edition
of the book “Against the tide”, including new parts, and
correcting and changing others because the authors have studied
new texts.
- Elaborado por Anibal,
Otto Rhüle sobre organizacion, partido, sindicato,
centralismo, táctica, etc. Followed by a discussion with
Michael Meer (also in English).
- Ediciones inter-rev. (Elaborado por Anibal)
Historia efectiva, historia imaginaria. Mujeres,hombres,
clases, estados, división del trabajo, dinámicas sociales,
producción,reproducción, derechos.
- Gabriel Teles & Rubens Vinícius,
Elementos para una crítica Marxista hacía el Leninismo,
also in
English translation, followed by a critique (Anibal).
November 2020
Interesting external links of the month:
October 2020
Interesting external links of the month:
- Chuang, 24-9-2020: Scaling
the Firewall, 1: #LiftTheBucket, ("first of a new series
of investigations into Chinese social media, compiling
information on trends in social phenomena"), ENGLISH.
- Annoucement book publication: Lo
spillover del profitto - capitalismo, guerre ed epidemie,
Colibrì edizioni, ITALIAN.
- Ph. Bourrinet,
An Introduction to Anton Pannekoek: Marxism and Darwinism
(1909, 1914), October 2019, ENGLISH.
- Ph. Bourrinet,
Polanski et Affaire Dreyfus, à propos d'un article d'Echanges
et Mouvement, ("An article that would have been better
left under the bushel"), FRENCH.
September 2020
Interesting external links of the month:
July 2020
- Group of International Communistst (GIC), Theses
on Revolutionary Workplace Nucleus, Party, and Dictatorship
(1931), first translation into English (2020)
- Gruppe von Internationalen Kommunisten (GIK), Thesen
zu revolutionaren Betriebskernen, Partei und Diktatur
(1931), Zugriff zu Arbeiterstimmen, first translation into
German (2017)
- Groep van Internationale Communisten (GIC), Stellingen
omtrent revolutionaire bedrijfskernen, partij en dictatuur
(1931), link naar arbeidersstemmen.nl, transcription of Dutch
June 2020
- Willy Huhn, Lenin
als utopist (1948) in Dutch language, see below for German
original and English translation
LEFT WING COMMUNISM, NOT an infantile disorder, our
new site in construction, invites to a discussion
on council communism and the revolution in Russia, starting
from Wagners 'Theses'. We have added documents on the historical
context and a biography:
Annoucement by aaap.be:
May 2020
- Willy Huhn, On the doctrine of the revolutionary party (1961),
translated into English and published in three parts, A Free
Retriever's Digest, part
1, part
2, part 3: in Vol.
4 Issue #1.
- Translated from German: Willy Huhn, Zur
Lehre von der revolutionären Partei, 1948 (signaled here
- F.C., An
answer to “Questions without answers”. Anti-critique of
a leftist book review of The Dutch and German Communist Left
(1900-1968), website A Free Retriever's Digest.
February 2020
recent books on the period of transition
draw your attention to some recently published books by an
author and publisher, who is new to the milieu interested in
the Communist Left: Hermann Lueer and publisher Red &
Black Books in Hamburg. When giving introductions to
Marxism throughout Germany, Lueer was regularly asked about
the alternative to capitalism. In search of an answer, Lueer
discovered Grundprinzipien kommunistischer Produktion und
Verteilung by Gruppe Internationaler Kommunisten
(G.I.K.) of 1930.
his homage to the work of the G.I.K. under the same title,
Lueer gives a current introduction to the actual core of the
work of the G.I.K.: how can the 'association of free and equal
people' (Marx in Capital), or in his 1871 writings
about the 'Commune'-organization, or how in 1917 the 'council
organization' can gain and, above all, retain power over the
means of production? After all, in Russia the workers soon
lost power over the enterprises.
answer lies in the fact that reformism in social democracy
ignored Marx' and Engels' view, particularly in Marx' Critique
of the Gotha Programme, of an economy with working hours
as a measure of production and, initially, also consumption.
Instead, reformism accepted Hilferding's view, which suggested
that in socialism economy should be organized as a General
Cartel, the organizational form of highly developed
capitalism, i.e., controlled by economic specialists. Lenin
took over this view and realized it in Russia, with which the
dictatorship over the proletariat was a fact.
tribute to the work of the G.I.K. is now available in three
languages: German,
and Dutch.
tribute does not address various criticisms since the
republishing in 1970 of the first edition in German in 1930.
Especially that of Paul Mattick in his introduction to this
reprint, followed by Gilles Dauvé and finally Raoul Victor.
Victor's text of 2016 'in response to Kees' under the title The
Economy in the Transition to a 'Communist' Society (*),
served the German-speaking group Freundinnen und Freunde
der klassenlosen Gesellschaft as a starting point for
their discussions of 21-3-2018: Umrisse
der Weltcommune. On the group's website, Kosmoprolet,
a discussion was published, including Lueer's contribution Kritik
von Hermann Lueer an den Thesen zur Weltcommune
(20-1-2019). It is typical of the quality of this discussion
contribution that Kosmoprolet was forced to ask Victor for a
position, which appeared as Arbeitszeitrechnung
und ökonomische Rationalität in einer postkapitalistischen
Gesellschaft (4-11-2019). It is curious to see that the
reply by Lueer, Antwort
an Raoul Victor, was not posted on the Kosmoprolet
website until now, nor has been it included in the book KLASSE,
KRISE, WELTCOMMUNE. Beiträge zur Selbstabschaffung des
Proletariats with all other contributions. It seems
therefor that Victor does not have an answer, and certainly
not the Freunde as an organization, while it is clear
from other contributions to the discussion that some do share
the views of the G.I.K.
Lueer has meanwhile published the first German
translation of the Dutch second edition of Fundamental
Principles in book form: Grundprinzipien
kommunistischer Produktion und Verteilung, and its first
English translation:
principles of communist production and distribution.
translations are of great significance. As explained in The
G.I.C. and the Economy of the Transition Period -
Introductory Article, the 1935 second edition in Dutch
was supplemented with fragments in reply to certain critics
and misunderstandings. Amongst others, the supposed 'utopian
character' of the propositions of the G.I.K., the question of
'equality', on the dictatorship of the proletariat, and on
libertarian communism. Important information on the agrarian
question in the Russian and in the German Revolution was
added. This edition was the last edited by the G.I.K. and
therefor is its final answer to the objections at the time
raised against its positions.
Originally in
French, 12-10-2011. For an answer, not from Kees, see Over
het scherm rolden ... (June 2016) third contribution (in
Dutch), English
November 2019
- Anton Pannekoek, Marxisme
et darwinisme, traduction de l’allemand, édition et
notes (octobre 2019): Philippe Bourrinet. Avec une
introduction critique de 14 pages du traducteur et éditeur.
- Spartacus, Weekblad van de Communistenbond ‘Spartacus’,
1947, Trotski
en de vakvereniging.
October 2019
September 2019
July 2019
May 2019
- F.C., The G.I.C. and the economy of the transition period, part
1, part
2, links to A Free Retriever's Digest - An
internationalist Articles Selection & Review.
- F.C., Le G.I.C. et
l’économie de la période de transition. Une introduction.
- F.C., Die GIK und die
Ökonomie der Übergangsperiode. Eine Einführung.
- F.C., De GIC en de
economie van de overgangsperiode. Een inleiding.
- Bernhard Reichenbach, Contribution
à l’histoire du KAPD, Leipzig, 1928.
March 2019
- Ph. Bourrinet, The
Workers’ Councils in Germany 1918-23 (Part 2) link to A
Free Retriever's Digest - An internationalist Articles
Selection & Review
- F.C.,
The G.I.C. and the economy of the transition period, part 1,
2, links to A Free Retriever's Digest - An
internationalist Articles Selection & Review
- Two
articles by Anton Pannekoek in ‘Arbeiterpolitik’,The
outcome of the struggle, and International
Communism in No. 5 (Feb.1, 1919). Link to A Free
Retriever's Digest
- A
Letter from Comrade Pannekoek, on the ‘Unionen’ Question
and ‘National Bolshevism',‘Der Kommunist’, KAPD, July 1920.
Link to A Free Retriever's Digest
- Willy Huhn, Zur
Lehre von der revolutionären Partei, 1948
December 2018
- Ph. Bourrinet The
Workers’ Councils in Germany 1918-23 (Part 1) link to A
Free Retriever's Digest - An internationalist Articles
Selection & Review
- A. Pannekoek:
The outcome of the struggle (‘Arbeiterpolitik’, February
1st, 1919) see p. 17, link to A Free Retriever's Digest - An
internationalist Articles Selection & Review
- Ph. Bourrinet Le
mouvement des conseils en Russie & Finlande, Allemagne,
Autriche & Hongrie, 1917-1919
- Ph. Bourrinet Les
conseils ouvriers en Allemagne 1918-23 (paru dans Controverses
- Forum pour la Gauche Communiste Internationaliste)
- Ph. Bourrinet Arbeiterräte in Deutschland 1918-23
1, Teil 2,
Teil 3,
Teil 4
in "Arbeiterstimmen", ergänzt mit historischen Dokumenten
- Ph. Bourrinet De arbeidersraden in Duitsland
1918-23, deel
1, deel
2 (link naar Arbeiderstemmen)
- Anton Pannekoek, 1918: De
Duitse Revolutie (link naar Arbeiderstemmen)
- K. Horner (Ant. Pannekoek), 1920: De
Derde Internationale en de Wereldrevolutie (link naar
October 2018
April 2018
March 2018
- “Der Kommunist
- Flugzeitung der Kommunistischen Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands
(Sachsen)", ab Nr. 19, April 1920, Flugzeitung der
Kommunistischen Arbeiterschaft Ostsachsens”, ab Nr. 49,
Dezember 1920, Organ der Kommunistischen Arbeiterschaft
Ostsachsens und der Allgemeinen Arbeiter-Union Gross-Dresden
(Revolutionäre Betriebsorganisation” Nr. 53, Dezember 1920 Nr.
54, Januar 1921 Nr. 56, Januar 1921.
- Willy Huhn Lenin
und die russische Revolution.
January 2018
- Willy Huhn Lenin als
Utopist, sehe auch Buchbesprechung
Gester “Auf der Suche nach Rosas Erbe. Der deutsche Marxist
Willy Huhn (1909-1970)”, Berlin, Die Buchmacherei, 2017.
December 2017
November 2017
October 2017
September 2017
August 2017
June 2017
May 2017
April 2017
February 2017
- Lénine philosophe
par Anton Pannekoek ("John Harper"), 1938. Une édition
critique de Lénine philosophe de Pannekoek, basée sur les
versions anglaise, française et allemande. Ph. B. dans son
introduction souligne l’apport politique de Pannekoek dans sa
critique de Lénine mais aussi les faiblesses notoires de son
argumentaire philosophique.
- Fredo Corvo, book
review of Philippe Bourrinet “The Dutch and German Communist
Left (1900-68); ‘Neither Lenin nor Trotsky nor Stalin!”,
‘All workers must think for themselves!’”, Leiden/Boston
(Brill) ISBN 978-90-04-26977-4 .Also published on Libcom.org
and on Pantopolis,
both blogs where you can post comments.
- Anton Pannekoek "De
arbeiders, het parlement en het communisme" (GIC, 1933)
- Jean-Pierre Laffitte (traduction), Philippe Bourrinet
(révision, édition et notes)
’quatrième’, nième Internationale ? ou Parti Communiste
Sténogramme du congrès public extraordinaire du KAPD, tenu à
Berlin du 11 au 14 Septembre 1921, Dresdner Garten.
- Kommunistische Arbeiter-Partei Deutschlands ‘Außerordentlicher
öffentlicher parteitag der K.A.P.D.’ vom 11. bis 14.
September 1921 zu Berlin, Dresdener Garten.
January 2017
Other languages: see Goldners site breaktheirhaughtypower.org.
December 2016
November 2016
- Frank Dingel Paul
Mattick 1904-1981 Biografie und Schriften in deutscher
- Philippe Bourrinet La
sinistra comunista italiana (1927-1952) contributo a una
storia del movimento rivoluzionario, Parigi nov. 2016, 2a
- A.B. Soep "Nationalisme of internationalisme? (Met
een onuitgesproken rede voor het congres van de s.d.a.p.,
april 1915)" / A.B. Soep. – ’s-Gravenhage :
Verkrijgbaar bij drukkerij „De Arbeid”, Brouwersgracht 8,
[1915]. – 68 p. PDF's bij aaap.be: p. i-v;
p. 1-16;
p. 17-28;
p. 29-50;
p. 51-68.
Zie voor een biografie
van Soep bij het IISG.
- Adolf Dethmann Die
Sowjetregierung und die 3. Internationale im Schlepptau der
internationalen Bourgeoisie! (1921).
- Adolf Dethmann Le gouvernement
soviétique et la IIIe Internationale à la remorque de la
bourgeoisie internationale! (1921) avec appendice
Congrès extraordinaire public du K.A.P.D. du 11 au 14
septembre 1921 à Berlin, Dresdner Garten, Interventions du
rapporteur Dethmann, GHA du KAPD, sur «la nécessité de la
création d’une Internationale communiste-ouvrière»
- [Adolf Dettman] De sowjet-regering en de derde
Internationale op sleeptouw der internationale bourgeoisie
/ , uit het Duits [door Herman Gorter]. – [Amsterdam : Uitgave
der Kommunistische Arbeiderspartij (k.a.p.) in Nederland,
1922. – 39 p. Bij aaap.be p.
1-19, p.
- Der Kampf der Arbeiter; Sieben Aufsätze aus
der Leipziger Volkszeitung / Ant[on]. Pannekoek. – Leipzig :
Leipziger Buchdruckerei Aktiengesellschaft, 1907. PDF der
Originale in gothischer Schrift bei aaap.be: Teil
2, html
bei marxistst.org.
October 2016
- Announcement by publisher Brill: Bourrinet The
Dutch and German Communist Left (1900–68) ‘Neither Lenin nor
Trotsky nor Stalin!’ - ‘All Workers Must Think for
Themselves!’ (external link), invaluable and unpayable.
- Anton Pannekoek Bolsjewisme
en democratie (1918).
Anton Pannekoek "Bolschewismus
und Demokratie - Vortrag, gehalten vor der Ortsgruppe
Neumünster der Internationalen Kommunistischen Partei / Von
Anton Pannekoek", erschienen in Arbeiterpolitik, 3.
Jg., Nr. 50, 14. Dezember 1918, S. 303-304 1918, 1919 als
Broschüre von der Kommunistischen Partei Deutschösterreichs,
und 1919 in Wien bei der Verlagsgenossenschaft “Neue Erde”.
Als html
bei marxists.org.
- Ph. Bourrinet ‘Gramscisme’
et ‘Bordiguisme’ - Le sens d’une confrontation politique
hier et aujourd’hui, version 2-10-2016.
September 2016
- Marxism
and state communism. The withering away of the state -
G.I.C. 1932.
Pamphlet never translated into English before, the Group(s)
of International Communists critising Lenin 'The State
and the revolution.'
Part of this text was integrated into 'Basic principles of
communist production and distribution'.
August 2016
- In dutch language only: Anton Pannekoek "Friedrich
Adler" 1916 (met een inleiding "individueel terrorisme
of proletarische massastrijd tegen de imperialistische
oorlog?"). Ajoute en francais:
"A mettre en parallèle avec un texte de Bordiga, qui lui
soutient l’action terroriste de Friedrich Adler... «Fritz
Adler, notre camarade, de ceux que nous connaissons et aimons,
qui a adhéré à Zimmerwald, qui a reproduit à la main le
Manifeste de la minorité socialiste autrichienne lu par
beaucoup d’entre nous non sans larmes d’émotion et
d’enthousiasme… Ce n’est pas un fou, pardieu ! … Son acte fut
le corollaire de sa – de notre – campagne internationaliste.
Le fait est une propagande plus efficace que les mots…
Friedrich Adler est des nôtres. Il appartient au prolétariat
international, dont il est devenu le symbole». Bordiga,
«Adler», L’Avanguardia, 5 novembre 1916, in Scritti..., op.
cit., p. 290-291."
Traductions de l’allemand, édition, illustrations, notes et
texte d’introduction.
July 2016
June 2016
April 2016
- Ph. Bourrinet Un siècle
d’un courant internationaliste : la gauche communiste
d’Italie (1915-2015) 24-4-2016
- Anton Pannekoek World Revolution and Communist Tactics,
1920. Text edition aaap.be
- Anton Pannekoek The New Blanquism, 1920. Text
edition Marxists.org
- Anton Pannekoek, Weltrevolution und kommunistische Taktik,
1920. Textversion Marxistst.org.
PDF von Orginal: Umschlagbild,
S. 17-26,
S. 27-45,
S. 46-52
- Anton Pannekoek, Der neue Blanquismus, 1920. Textversion Marxists.org.
- Anton Pannekoek Theorie en beginsel in de
arbeidersbeweging (1906), hyperlinks naar tekstversie marxists.org,
orginele scan aaap.be.
- Anton Pannekoek ‘Het
nieuwe Blanquisme’ (1920).
- Ph. Bourrinet Pathologie
sectaire dans la gauche communiste de la forteresse assiégée
à l’écroulement de la Baliverna / version 7-4-2016.
March 2016
December 2015
October 2015
Mai 2015
April 2015
March 2015
Our E-mail address: info@left-dis.nl.
Also see the following blog: Pantopolis